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Student Wellbeing

Our Student Wellbeing team is Fiona Brown and Julie Mullins.

Sometimes students and families need help to manage things that are happening in their lives. Student wellbeing leaders can help students develop skills and confidence.

Student wellbeing leaders work to optimise student learning. They work in partnership with:

  • students
  • parents and caregivers
  • educators
  • the broader community.

Student wellbeing leaders offer support to:

  • encourage attendance, behaviour and learning at school
  • help manage relationships with family, teachers and peers
  • manage issues.

They also offer:

  • crisis responses
  • advice, support and referral to therapeutic and other support services beyond the school.


Fiona Brown, our Student Wellbeing Leader works with students, families and teachers across the school.  She runs the ‘What’s the Buzz’ program for students needing assistance with social skills.  Fiona runs the Year 1 literacy intervention Group, Reading Rascals, Social and emotional learning programs including Kimochis and the Girl Wise and Wise Guys programs.

Julie Mullins, our Pastoral Care Worker is positive role model who delivers compassionate pastoral and practical support throughout the breadth and length of school community life.  

 Together with the support and resources of the local combined Christian community, and in a complementary partnership with other wellbeing staff at Reynella Primary School, and, by developing connections with community services and agencies, Julie fill the gaps where flexible and consistent care is important. She helps:


  • STUDENTS by listening, taking an interest in them, being involved with their daily lives, facilitating activities and seminars and being a positive role model
  • STAFF by being a supporting resource, providing a listening ear, encouragement, friendship and supporting their personal wellbeing
  • FAMILIES by being a person of contact, listening, caring, providing support in times of crisis as well as being a referral to support services
  • COMMUNITY by being a link between churches, the wider community, and the school community

The role of the Pastoral Care Worker is an inclusive role and supports all parts of the school community in many various ways.


Julie is employed through SMG, who works closely with the SA Department for Education as a Service Provider for the National Schools Chaplaincy Program.


Fiona, Julie and the student wellbeing action team operate a free breakfast club on Wednesday mornings.  Breakfast club is held in the hall from 8.15-8.45 and is open to all students.  It provides a safe and welcoming place for students to have breakfast and socialise with students from all year levels.

You can make a time to meet with Fiona or Julie by:

Emailing the school email : dl.0379.info@schools.sa.edu.au



 Or calling the school on 8381 1493